Latest Postgraduate Exchanges

I am a chartered chemical engineer by background and an operations consultant by profession, with a passion for empathetic leadership, innovation, and supporting underserved communities.

Since graduating with a first-class degree from the University of Manchester, I have worked in several engineering roles as a design engineer, and project and program manager as well as undertaken leadership and mentorship positions to inspire the next generation of business leaders from underrepresented communities.

I am currently an Associate / Junior Engagement Manager at McKinsey. In this role, I am able to apply my leadership learnings on a global scale to solve complex operations problems, have developed a passion for consumer electronics, and have been fortunate to work across 3 continents, Europe, the US, and Africa.

I will be completing an MBA at Harvard Business School. I hope to build on my experience in consumer electronics, participate in experiential learning experiences that will challenge me to think critically and empathetically, and develop as a global business leader, with the intention of translating innovative technologies to further enhance human experiences. I am also excited to join a network of like-minded individuals, explore Boston, and travel throughout the US in my spare time